Two Parts Italy

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Rome Unscripted

Walking along the Tiber, near the Ponte Sant’Angelo

There are endless reasons to visit Rome. Visitors often arrive, guidebooks in hand, with long lists of must-see attractions and several days scripted to fit them all in.

But for me, a big part of the joy of Rome lies in unscripted moments and ordinary days. Just wandering the streets, spying an amazing building or hidden courtyard as you pass by, enjoying a cappuccino in a local bar, people watching, observing daily life - how happy that makes me!. Even better to do this in the off-season when the streets are less crowded and the city has the rhythm of normal life.

A pretty balcony, tucked away behind the Forum (and seen from my room at the Hotel Nerva).

On a recent trip to Rome I visited some of the “minor” attractions (is there really such a thing as a minor attraction in Rome?) but left most of my time for wandering and soaking in street scenes and Rome’s quiet season . So, I give you few words in this post and lots of photos. I hope you enjoy seeing some of my favorites.

-post by Joanne

A pretty courtyard, glimpsed while being just a little lost walking through Rome.

Near Campo de’ Fiori

Near Piazza Cairoli on the edge of the Ghetto neighborhood (above) and in the morning market at Campo de’ Fiori (below)

Somewhere in Rome

Art or grafiti? On the side of a building