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Ferragosto 2024

Vieux Lyon is the Medieval part of Lyon. I wonder how old this door is and how it is still standing?

Here we are in the middle of August, just in time for the Italian celebration of Ferragosto on the 15th.

A national holiday in Italy, the Italians often stretch it beyond a single day as families head to the beach, the lake, or the mountains for some extended summer R&R time.

Ferragosto is one holiday I wish would be adopted in the US. After all, who doesn’t need a middle of summer break from heat, storms, and work?

While I will miss the holiday in Lucca as I am in New Mexico visiting family, I will embrace it here as my very own mid-August break.

In that spirit, I will take a break from writing this week and just post some photos of one of my favorite photographic subjects - doors.

Doors are fascinating, especially the really old ones. Who passed through them? What secrets do they hide? What history did they witness?

All of these beautiful old doors were photographed in the Vieux Lyon area of Lyon, France. Some of the doors really do hide secrets as several seemingly ordinary ones open onto secret passage ways with hidden courtyards, fountains, and apartments.

Happy Ferragosto week. PS: It’s a good week to start planning winter and spring travel ! Lyon would make a great destination !