Two Parts Italy

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Signs of Hope

By now, no matter where you are in the world, you no doubt have felt the effects of COVID-19. My beloved Italy, the country I chose to live in for its beauty, music, history, art, culture, food and people, has been among the hardest hit. The sadness of losing so many people to the virus is palpable – even though we are still separated by “lockdown” regulations and I only see other people when I go to buy groceries, take out the trash or walk the dog.

Italy has also led the way in displaying resilience – think of all the videos you have seen online of Italians gathering individually on their balconies at a certain time of day to sing together. People started showing solidarity here in other ways soon after lockdown began: Children drew pictures of colorful rainbows with the words “Andra’ tutto bene” (everything will be fine) that were hung from windows. Italian flags started popping up in windows as well. Because I need to walk Bodhi, I have been outside more than many people – for very short walks. During these, I have snapped a few photos of these signs of courage and hope. Wherever you are, I hope they help you feel the optimism I feel when I see them. -post by Judy