Lucca Comics and Games, 2019 - Part II
When Lucca hosts its largest event of the year – the annual Comics and Games – it doesn’t just provide piazzas for tents or more than 2 miles of green space along the ancient walls and cobblestone streets for the tens of thousands of people who buy tickets. No, Lucca and many of the people who live here join in the fun.
Some restaurants, for example, adopt a Comics theme, add related decorations to their walls and have their waiters and waitresses don costumes.
Gli Orti staff in costume
Some residents are among those who dress elaborately in costume and/or face paint and pose for photos around the city. Others put on a wig or a superhero cape and are content simply to be bystanders. And some make sure Fido is included in the fun.
It was so interesting to me to see the centuries-old buildings and churches of Lucca as the backdrop for people dressed as fantasy-driven and often-futuristic characters.
Here’s a peek at some more of Lucca Comics and Games 2019.
-post by Judy