Spending Christmas with Dante
I love Italy year-round, through rain and shine, ordinary days and extraordinary ones, warm springs and crisp autumns, rare snowy days, and yes, even in this year of pandemic. But Christmas time remains just about my favorite season.
The holidays are pure delight in Lucca - streets aglow with lights, small alleys filled with trees and lined with colorful shop windows, whole buildings wrapped in lights or bows, skating rinks, decorated doorways and windows, nativity scenes large and small, Babbo Natale (the Italian version of Santa Claus) and Old Befana (the best witch ever). From the simplest touch to the most elaborate display, it’s all magic to me.
This month, despite Italy’s very difficult year, Lucca is once again all dressed up for Christmas. And, really, how can you not love a city where the piazzas are decorated for the holiday with poetry by Dante spelled out in lights? Not visions of hellish infernos (though many might think that fitting this year), but rather words with eyes toward the stars and full of hope. In piazza San Frediano (pictured above) the message is: L’amor che move il sole e l’altre stelle (the love that moves the sun and other stars).
A short walk over to Piazza Cittadella, there is another quote from Dante: E quindi, usciamo a reveder le stelle. (and then, we go out to again see the stars).
In Piazza San Francesco the words drift above the large Christmas tree - Se segui la tua stella, non poi faillire glorioso porto (loose translation - if you follow your star, you cannot fail to reach a glorious place).
This year, Dante’s star filled words offer a perfect glimpse of hope and light. And isn’t that a perfect way to end this year?
I wish you all a happy and safe holiday season. Buone Feste !