A Medieval Weekend in Lucca
3 years ago, in those distant times before the pandemic, I experienced my first Lucca Medievale (Medieval Lucca). As with so many events, the festival was cancelled in 2020 and 2021. It’s been a long wait, but 2022 is a new year and this past weekend marked the return of the festival.
From 2019, The Liberation Day ceremony which marks Lucca’s liberation from Pisa in 1369.
Lucca is a perfect place of a festival showcasing life in the Middle Ages. Much of the city maintains a medieval streetscape. A troupe of sbandieratori (flag tossers) regularly performs at events throughout the city. It is not unusual to catch a procession of people in medieval costumes parading through the streets, accompanied by batteristi (drummers). At times I’ve followed the sound of canons, to find medieval reenactors loading and firing them from Lucca’s walls. The only “open carry” you’ll find here are the balestieri (crossbow men) carrying their weapons in procession. The liberation of Lucca from Pisa (in the year 1369) is still marked annually by pageantry straight from the Middle Ages. Yes, Lucca is just the place for a medieval festival.
Turning wood on a medieval lathe
This year’s event included an encampment of tents atop Lucca’s walls around which a variety of medieval crafts, arts, scenes of daily life, and weapons were reenacted.
There were falconieri (falcon handlers), makers of armor, sword fighters, crossbow demonstrations, instrument carvers, musicians, dancers, food displays, potters - all in period costume. Especially fascinating was the booth with the medieval pharmacy, including dental instruments that looked downright frightening. I would not want to see these tools in my dentist’s office!
It was fun to stroll though medieval times, but on a hot June day it was a relief to return to more modern times and give thanks for an air-conditioned apartment! But come next June I’ll be ready for a return to the Middle Ages.