Happy Holidays From Two Parts Italy


It’s Christmas week – always a magical but busy time.  And this year, Hanukkah arrives on December 25th too, making it an even bigger day of celebration.  So, saying Buone Feste (Happy Holidays), as they do in Italy, is especially appropriate this year. 

Whether your tree is big or small

Whether your home has over the top elaborate decorations

Who could compete with the Christmas decorations at the Biltmore?

or very simple ones


Whether your holiday table is fancy or casual

No matter if you are eating latkes or lasagna, turkey or roast beef or just feasting on Christmas cookies!

No matter how you celebrate, I wish you the happiest of peaceful holidays filled with friends and family. I hope you enjoy the magic of candles and twinkling lights and perhaps a fancy glass of cheer.

 Buon Natale.   Buon Hanukkah.  Buone Feste.